Rolling Dies
Spherical roll and crushers
Knurling rollers
Rolling Dies
Known all profile (metric, UN, W, Tr, Mod., Sphere etc.) and every special profile for
all known systems and every rollable dies are produced.
- Thread rolling dies
- Through feeding rollers
- Knurling rolls
- Ring screw rolls
- Conic rolls
- Crusher rolls
Broaching Tools
Round and involutes spine broaches Flat
and special from broaches
Broaching Tools
Broaches of every type is producing for internal and external profiles
- Straight side broaches
- Calibration broaches
- Internal special profile broaches
- Key way broaches (Yale type and other)
- External broaches (every profile)
- Helical broaches
Some Products, which product with broaching tools
- Automotive industry
- Airplane industry
- Hand tools industry
- Some machine parts
- Creamer product
- For the defense industry
Taps and Thread Rolling Dies
Gages and thread prineling samples
Thread rolling dies
For all thread forms (M, UN, W, Tr, Conic) and suitable for every machine and for every
material, tools.
- Taps
- Thread milling cutters
- Special nut taps.
Thread Rolling Dies
Known all profile (M, UN, W, Tr, Mod. ) and every special profile, for all known
systems and for every rollable object, rolling flat die produces.
- Thread rolling dies
- Knurling flat dies (for serration's)
- Chasers for threads
- Wood screw
For other details please
contact us.